OKFestival Open Development Day 18 July 2014

We are planning a TAG side event at the Open Knowledge Festival in Berlin on Friday 18th July. This will be part of the Open Development side event, held at the Wikimedia building.

We have a couple of topics in mind that would benefit from a group of people gathered in one place:

  • A documentation sprint focussing on building up a good glossary of
    IATI terms, ideally in multiple languages.
  • A ToolCamp, looking at the range of tools available to generate,
    publish, curate and use IATI data, feeding into the excellent Open
    Development Toolkit.

We are also looking for ideas from the TAG members for anything else that we could usefully achieve together. Please add your ideas below.

Any time of that event? Unable to find it.

@siemvaessen there are emerging details here: http://pad.okfn.org/p/Open_Development_Fringe_Event

We have now confirmed that as a follow up event to the official OKFest festivities, there will be a fringe event held on Friday 18th July. The venue has been confirmed and will be available to us from 10:00 until around 17:00.

The schedule of this day is being finalised at the moment and should be published on the OKFestival website shortly.

IATI TAG members are encouraged to join us on this day as we will be hosting the 2 sessions mentioned above.

There will also be space on the day for participant to talk through and decide what items they would like to work on collaboratively.