For Belgium, as indeed for a lot of other bilateral donors, it would be problematic to calculate the coverage ratio by relating the IATI-published spend to the OECD-DAC’s total ODA amount: only 2/3 of Belgian ODA is imputed on budgets overseen by the federal DG Development (MinFA), the other 3rd consisting of
- aid financed by regional/communal authorities, for which we generally don’t dispose of details: no commitments, geographical precision, dates (start/end), forward looking info, long descriptions, docs etc
- donor-country-expenses, such as the cost (first 12 months) of accomodating refugees (from DAC-countries), administrative costs, imputed student costs etc., for which the details mentioned above simply don’t exist at all.
That’s why we don’t incorporate these activities/flows/disbursements in our IATI data, as we mentioned also explicitly in our “common standard” implementation schedule.
So, in order to calculate a coverage ratio, wouldn’t it be correcter/more revealing to relate our IATI “spend” with the OECD-DAC’s ODA disbursed on the budgets of the main Belgian agency, which is identifiable separately in the DAC CRS reporting (agency code=10) ?