This is an index of issues and recommendations reported publicly and privately which we will add to as a central point of reference during this consultation.
- Publishers who have had to change their reporting organisation identifier lose their frequency history.
Forward Looking
- Publishers whose community best practice recognises that forward looking data cannot be published (for example DFIs) should not be penalised. Crowd-funders such as Global Giving are also penalised.
- Should planned disbursements be taken into consideration as well as budgets?
- Humanitarian aid and crisis response is often impossible to plan in advance, due to the nature of the business. The non-provision of forward looking data in these cases should not be penalised.
Comprehensiveness - Financials
- Donor publishers who do not need to report any incoming funds should not be assessed on traceability.
- Current guidance on how implementing organisations should report commitments is not clear and explains why many publishers score badly on this element.
Comprehensiveness - Value Added
- Publisher guidance is currently not clear that adding locations and coordinates to activities of national and regional scope is beneficial and therefore assessing coordinates for all activities is fair.
- Add “Aid Type” and “Disbursement Channel”
- Add “Use of Recipient Language” once a suitable methodology is established
- IATI bilateral publishers whose government reports to the DAC but who themselves only report for specific agencies (rather than on their country’s total ODA) should be assessed against the matching DAC donor agencies’ disbursements in the CRS, not the DAC donor as a whole.
- The above argument also applies to EC Agencies
- A filter or sort by Organisation Type on all tables would be useful for comparison of like with like. It would also be useful for tables to ‘remember’ the previous sort: so that sorting by Col A and then by Col B results in a sort ‘by Col B by Col A’
- Column headings on Coverage and Indicator tables are scrolling off the page (unlike all other pages)