IATI Organisation Model template

Continuing the discussion from Getting it Right Theme:

I’ve been doing some work on how we might facilitate the discussion, and put my pen to paper and thought I’d share my results.

I’ve created a very simple template for mapping out how an organisation might have connections within their IATI XML file to other organisations. I’ve made it with the idea that you could drop it into a simple image editor or print it out to sketch out a small example (1 or 2 activities) from your own organisation, looking at which elements you need to include and how would you obtain that information.

Here’s a scaled down first version:

The full sized image file is available here or “interactive version” (you can select and copy text in the interactive version).

It still needs some work, this is just my initial thoughts and it probably doesn’t nearly start to cover all the potential use cases. It’s made using the online tool http:gliffy.com and here’s the template file you can use to import:

iati_organisation_model_template_public_.gliffy (100.8 KB)