Community Tech Call - Wednesday 17th July at 1pm UK time

Hello everyone,

It was great to see so many people in Copenhagen. At the meeting, we were discussing the idea of holding a monthly (or so) community call where we can talk about what we are all up to. We had these a couple of years ago and they were great.

We’re going to go ahead and hold the first call on Wednesday 17th July at 1pm UK time. I know it is short notice, and that it will be inconvenient for some people, but this first call is going to be a bit of a practice / experiment anyway (especially with the technology). We are going to try and record and post it if possible, for those who can’t make it.

If you can make it, it would be great for you to join! In this Google Doc you can grab a spot to talk about whatever you have been working on, and see some of the ideas we had about the focus / structure, which you’re also welcome to comment on / edit.

The idea of the call is to be practical and showcase and encourage all of the things that are going on in the community. But we can see how this first one goes :slight_smile:


UPDATE: We’re going to do this call using Google Meet via this link.
Wednesday 17th July at 1pm UK time (convert to your own timezone here)


Great initiative… but I won’t be able to make it :frowning:

Thanks @pelleaardema and sorry you can’t make it this time! Hope to have you at the next one!

hi Mark, much appreciated you’re following up on this! I’m afraid I have to skip this one too, looking forward to a next one.

If we keep adding presenters and topics to that document for each call it will also build up a knowledge base of cases and contacts!

I agree @rolfkleef – we will just make a new section for each month and then it’s an easy document to refer to over time. And sorry you can’t join but we can see how this one works and then organise another one sometime in August.

Big thanks @markbrough for organising & @stevieflow for chairing. Apologies I missed most of it! I’ll be there for the next one.

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We had our first community call today. It was small with 5 of us joining but it was fun! We’re planning to do it again sometime in August: as @rolfkleef suggested, I have already updated the Google Doc with space for next month’s proposals. Please do also post here if you would like to join, especially if you have something you’d like to share, and if there’s a particular day in about 1 month’s time that works for you!

A few outcomes:

  • the technology worked OK but recording wasn’t supported on the version of Google Meet we were using… so we will look for some other options
  • @Wendy discussed progress on developing the vision for the humanitarian “Data Platform” – we encouraged her to come back and share more as this work develops
  • @markbrough shared the PWYF visualisation made last week and agreed to write a blog discussing some thoughts the visualisation provoked
  • @andylolz will share his ideas on IATI Canary and dataset issues in our next call as we ran out of time

We also agreed to simplify the format a bit – focus on what people have already made (and drop the section on what you plan to do) for now. The Q&A format / discussion worked well and probably will work for up to 2-3 presentations.

Also welcome feedback from anyone else. Thanks everyone for joining and to @stevieflow for chairing!


Thanks for the quick update!

With regards to the technology used:
I have a paid Zoom account. I could look into the possibility to set up a recurring meeting?

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That would be great thanks @pelleaardema! Do you know if it’s possible to record via Zoom?