What organizations (around the world) offer capacity-building or training for publishing to IATI?

Hi everyone,

I’m from Ajah (the company that started PoweredbyData) and we are looking to develop our IATI support services for Canadian NGOs. In order to do that, I’m creating a list of organizations that provide training or capacity-building services to IATI publishers (especially first-time publishers) for us to review.

I’ve only managed to find a few and am writing here to see if anyone knows of any others (or offers any of these services themselves) and can share that info. Comments below are very appreciated, but I’ve also started a google sheet that you can add to directly:

We will leave this list up for everyone to use and build upon, but let me know if there is already something like this that I should be adding to instead. I know there have been a few lists in the past that focused on tools for publishing, but what we are trying to pull out are training, capacity-building, and other support services.

Thanks in advance!

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Dear Amy,

Great post. I only wish this sort of list had been available when I got started in IATI. May I suggest you add an email or contact field as it seems not all have websites?

And I wonder if the IATI Secretariat could keep this link active and easily find-able from the website. Digging through old discuss threads is not for the faint of heart and you have to know that is where it is to even attempt it. I’ve also found networking and resourcing in this space is challenging for new publishers.

Good luck.

Kind Regards,

Amy, it may be worth looking at CanWaCH’s experience with the Project Explorer (https://www.canwach.ca/project-explorer). While the Explorer is not based on the IATI standard, it is not too far off (and we’re hoping to see convergence over time). They have been fairly successful at convincing Canadian CSOs in the health/water/gender sector (and somewhat beyond) to share their data and have developed some guidance material that could be of interest.

Happy to have a chat (and good to see you have Bond on the sheet). Thanks, Sarah (Bond)

@Michelle_IOM We currently have a page about Publishing tools and services and we ask any organisations that provide IATI tools or servives to get in touch with us if they want their details to be added to our site.

@YohannaLoucheur, thanks for flagging CanWaCH. I had a few calls with them talking about engagement and aligning with IATI. Great team working there!


Thanks everyone! Amy and I will be connecting soon on this. I look forward to sharing more about CanWaCH’s Project Explorer and our data sharing processes with Amy. Best to all. Mélody

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That would be great! I know a little bit about Bond, but would love to learn more about the work you do and your experiences supporting charities & NGOs reporting to IATI.

My email is amy.melvin@ajah.ca