We should maintain a list of all the IATI related APIs somewhere, possibly with a list of relevant contacts, and whether the developers are involved in this working group.
I’ve turned this post into a discourse “wiki post”, so hopefully anyone should be able to edit and add links as appropriate. It’s still part of the forum though, so if you prefer you can reply with a comment instead.
List of APIs
- Datastore
- DevTracker
- d-portal dstore
- AidView API
- CSV Conversion Tool (used for the registry CSV link)
Additionally the IATI Dashboard is built off a poorly documented static JSON API.
In development
Comparison of APIs
We should probably have a full “feature matrix” to compare APIs.
For now, @stevieflow has been doing some work comparing the number of activities in different APIs - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqXcKmXbCG-OdGN2NnBHa0NqY0JEbjhSaURaWWtCaXc&usp=drive_web#gid=0