My thanks too Yohanna,
It was a really fun project to work on and great to be moving IATI data a bit closer to end users. As Mark said, we are very keen to go back and understand what parts are working and what parts need further tweaking, both from the perspectives of the donor staff who save days of work each quarter to enter their projects, and from the government staff to see how it is changing their procedures. We already have a list of extensions we would like to work on in the report e.g. extending it deeper (e.g. results data), and wider (e.g. NGO data) and further (IATI data directly into other Gov of Bangladesh processes (e.g. stats systems or investment planning).
In addition, because the entire module is open-source and so free to use and modify, we are hoping that there may be interest to install it in many other AIMS systems around the world so that other countries can benefit. I also think that a lot of the lessons on e.g. what inputs are needed to avoid double counting, or to decide how to capture and present large and multi aspect projects will also be useful for the various other sites that use and present IATI data e.g. d-portal, openaidsearch, devtracker, iatistudio etc.
PS - if anyone is feeling super nerdy, I am sure that Mark and I can give you a run-through of the actual module in use to see what it involves in practice.