Updating the CRS Purpose and Policy marker codelists

The DAC recently approved the addition of several purpose codes and 2 policy markers. The IATI codelists do not include the new codes yet, which means that if our IATI files will have validation issues if we use the new codes.

@IATI-techteam, any idea when the IATI codelists may be updated?

Also, are we making progress towards an automatic alignment of the IATI codelists on the DAC’s? (I think there was something recently about this on Discuss, but couldn’t find it - it wasn’t tagged as a Sectors post unfortunately).

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Hi Yohanna,

I sent some DAC codelist updates here:

The relevant pull request is here:

It’s awaiting review from the IATI secretariat technical team.

There’s some mention of that from @bill_anderson just here. I sent a pull request to do this automatically from the XLS, but I’ve closed it given it sounds like the plan is to instead use the DAC XML as the reference.

I’m sure @IATI-techteam can elucidate.

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@YohannaLoucheur do you know where I’d find DAC policy marker information on the OECD website? They don’t appear to be included on the DAC and CRS codelists page, in either XLS or XML. Thanks!

I was just told that they have not updated their own codelist yet. Looks like I may have jumped the gun on this one, apologies.