Session Proposal at TAG

Hi, in light of collaboration, we (ZZ) have submitted a draft proposal for TAG (had to to cut off on the Typeform space form, jeez that’s really tight!). We would like to facilitate a workshop on the impact of data visualisation and how it changed aid development perception in any way?

This is a first draft and may change over time, but perhaps other interested in co-facilitating this? Would be interested to learn how 10 years of IATI and data visualisation has shaped the initiative in its own way.

Any input & feedback appreciated.

(ps: also very much looking forward to open space sessions btw. It that would require ZZ not having a 90 minute slot for a workshop, than that would be just fine!)

Thanks @siemvaessen, I’ve upped the space on the form.

Feel free to submit your proposal again if you’d like more room.

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