Dear IATI community,
at TU Delft we have a small project on IATI, together with Cordaid, a durch organisation for humanitarian aid and development. We are developing a software prototype that combines IATI data with HDX/HXL data to address information needs of humanitarian field workers. Probably mid/end of April this year, we would like to present our work, why we did it, how we did it and what our results until then are. In a broader sense, the IATI community could use the event to talk about IATI use cases in the humanitarian ‘world’, besides reporting. We thought of organising an IATI miniTAG at TU Delft and would invite interested people to join physically/virtually.
Of course, IATI is first and foremost about transparency and accountability in international development financing. But we specifically wanted to look for an additional use case that would create tangible results for humanitarians in the field. I just wanted to use this forum to sound out the interest within the community. So please let us know here if you would be interested in joining in April