IATI (tech)team is working on the new website as I understand.
During the #iatidev workshop held in Manchester this week we were in part talking about some of the elements topics currently not explicitly stated on the IATI website. I believe we had some similar ideas on what is (kind of) essential to show next to the mandatory (menu)items (what is the standard, documentation etc.) on the next IATI website.
Suggestions to take into consideration:
SHOWCASE: placeholder of all IATI things outside of the official IATI realm, such as: tools, portals, websites, documentation, training material, etc.etc. - This could serve as a one-stop to all. Very much missed and very much needed. Point user to showcase, provide high level description of what it is + external linking.
SUPPLIERS: placeholder of IATI specific suppliers: advocates, trainers, companies, etc.etc. This provides third parties with a list of all types of experts ranging from individuals to companies.
I am wondering if we a as a community could help IATI in providing input on the mentioned suggestions and if it makes sense to create an initial sitemap to structure this.
It would be a shame if this get missed for the current opportunity and we observe this after delivery. Anxious to hear how other think and curious to learn if an actual sitemap exists.