List of donor websites consuming IATI data?

I am relaying a question from Stephen Potter (our former IATI chair) who recently became Director for Food Security at GAC.

In the context of his work with a G7 food security working group, Stephen was hoping to find a list of IATI-data-access sites (like our own Project Browser, DFID’s DevTracker etc) for G7 donors plus relevant multilateral organisations like FAO, WFP, AfDB, etc.

The list provided on the IATI website - either under “Donor portals” or in the table at the bottom of the page - is incomplete. ( )

Does anyone know of a more complete list of donor IATI-consuming websites?

Publishers with Portals.xlsx (9.8 KB)
This is is by no means complete but I started pulling things together and was given this at one point. some of the publishers are on the list in the link you shared but there are a few more. It would be great if all publishers with visualization portals actually included them in their registry profile but I noticed not all do.

Hope this helps a bit.

Kind Regards,


Thank you Michelle!

That’s a good start - though I notice the list is missing Global Affairs Canada’s portal:

Good point about including portals to publishers’ Registry profiles. I will make sure we add ours.

It would also be good to update the list on the IATI website (cc @Rohini_Simbodyal ).

Dear Yohanna,

Glad it was useful. And I’ve added Canada’s site to my list! Shame on me for not doing it sooner. :blush: I’m a bad Canadian.

Kind Regards,

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@Michelle_IOM thanks for sharing this list. @tdavis Flagging this post in relation to the data use ‘cookbook’ Development Gateway has been working, if still relevant at this stage.