Importing XML into Excel using the Developer function?

Hello, I’m trying to import an IATI XML file straight into Excel, following the instructions here:

First, I tried to import the iati-activities-schema.xsd to create a map (using Developer>Source, as per the instructions) but got an error message. Now I’m trying to import a relatively small XML file into Excel, but it keeps crashing.

Anyone with experience of doing this method? Or with using a XML to CSV convertor which will ‘unfold’ all the elements if you import the raw data?

Reflecting on … why couldn’t we just have asked people to upload data in a spreadsheet file:

In the blog post he published this week, Liam Swiss says it was really difficult to do xml-to-csv but that the Datastore made it much easier.

He might have more to share, I could try to connect you two on Twitter.

I have had some fair success with ImportXML in Google Sheets on various XML.

The inherent problem though, is that IATI data is “3D” - it doesn’t translate easily into rows.

I can get all BOND transactions from one of BOND’s XML files like this: =ImportXML(“","//transaction”)

Here’s ImportXML trying to ingest all of it:


Good luck
