How to join the IATI civil society Working Group

You can join the IATI CSO Working Group by going to this link:

The Group is free to join for any civil society organisation (CSO) or non-governmental organisation (NGO) who is:

  • Publishing or planning to publish to IATI;
  • Increase awareness of IATI among CSOs;
  • Advocating for the use of the IATI standard among CSOs;
  • Providing technical support to CSOs on implementation of the IATI
  • or Working to facilitate the use of IATI data by CSOs. This includes
    efforts to increase awareness of IATI as a source of information,
    build organizations’ capacity to use aid information, develop tools
    to make IATI data more accessible, etc

Objectives (for full Terms of Reference for the group, go to

  1. To increase awareness of IATI among CSOs, not only in terms of
    publication of IATI data but also in terms of the use of this data.

  2. To provide CSOs with up-to-date information on IATI debates and
    developments that are relevant to them.

  3. To establish a feedback channel with IATI that allows CSOs to take
    some ownership of the process, in particular related to CSO issues
    of concern.

  4. To identify and attempt to address challenges faced by CSOs
    implementing IATI, including through the development of guidance
    materials, for example. Given that many other actors are engaged in
    similar efforts, the working group may largely play a coordinating
    role in this area.

  5. To serve as a forum for information exchange for organizations
    encouraging the use of or publishing to IATI.

  6. To contribute to the evolution and development of the IATI standard,
    to ensure it reflects ways of working of CSOs (for those
    publishing), as well as CSO information needs. This could include
    potential extensions to the IATI standard.

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