Has anyone built a parser to use to test view IATI XML?

We’d like to test draft XML and see how it looks parsed as if it were displayed on the IATI Data Previewer. Has anyone built one and where can we find the code?

Are you looking for something you can run locally?

Of course - the IATI Preview (http://preview.iatistandard.org/) can be used against any web accessible file.

The sourcecode to run it locally is at https://github.com/IATI/IATI-Previewer/

Or is it something slightly different you need?

Thanks so much for both links. I missed noticing that the previewer could parse from URLs. I’m generating some test activity files for an NGO and need a tool to review them. I’m looking forward to testing the local version as well.

Further to @TimDavies comments on the IATI Preview tool, one option is to host the files on a GitHub account and use the resulting URLs for testing.

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