G20 debt transparency principles reporting via IATI?


New CDG article confirming that the G20 debt transparency principles are searching for a way to collect and share debt data publicly

See also my last post on this. I am still keen to know if anyone is involved though their organisations, or knows whether IATI is involved and who is the focal point in the IATI Secretariat on this?

Also keen to hear if there is any interest in forming a group to work out what tweaks would be needed to the standard to meet this extremely high profile use case?

I would be very keen to be involved! We definitely have a use case for this in Liberia. Also: Commonwealth Secretariat and UNCTAD would be good to talk to as the 2 major providers of debt management systems. ComSec is based in London and just launched a new web-based version of their debt management software so would probably be particularly worth reaching out to.