As this topic is now being progressed outside of the v2.03 Standard Upgrade it has now been moved into the Non-embedded Codelist Amendment category.
Also adding here in my a summary of my last communications with the DAC in which they had indicated that they that had asked the DAC members to position themselves on the better way to track cash-based operations. There was a general opposition to introduce another marker, so two choices were proposed :
A cash flag : The project has (value 1) or has not (value 0) a cash component. (because capturing all the subtleties of different cash modalities would require a more elaborated marker, for which there is no appetite)
A keyword : project with a cash component would use the world “cash” in the project description, which allows us to make a research by keyword.
For unrelated reasons the overall proposal was not accepted during the last WP-STAT? As a result, my understanding is that the proposal, will now follow a written procedure : the revised proposal will be sent out and DAC members will have 3 weeks to send objections. If there is no objections, the proposal will be accepted and the new codes, new cash flag/keyword will be operational for the 2018 data set, available end 2019?
I was therefore also wondering if any of the members of the IATI community who are also involved with the WP-STAT are aware of any update on this? @OJ_ @Herman @theo.sande