The Humanitarian Scope element asks that activities be tagged with a type and defines type as Emergency or Appeal. I’m now trying to figure out the precise difference between the two.
In reading on the OCHA-FTS-HRP site they refer to Humanitarian Response Plans (HRP) and Flash Appeals and they define Flash Appeals as (emergency plans).
Should I interpret this to mean that activities that are part of formal HRP should be considered Appeals and anything else is emergency?
IOM is part of the HRP process in many countries but we also have activities where we create our own appeals via our own Humanitarian Compendium website. This site includes appeals which are part of HRP as well as non-HRP appeals. My head starts to spin when an appeal is set up because of an emergency.
If anyone has any definitive guidance on the difference it would be greatly appreciated. And if it is all subjective then even sharing thoughts on the approach taken by others would be appreciated.