Hey guys,
I have a question. I’m looking into the 2.03 documentation page for default-aid-type element for Activity and I can not understand the relationship between the “vocabulary” and “code” elements for this “default-aid-type” element.
If I understand everything correctly, for “default-aid-type” element, you have to specify a vocabulary code from the Aid Type Vocabulary codelist (it’s either 1 (OECD DAC), 2 (Earmarking Category) or 3 (Earmarking Modality)) and the the “code” attribute for this same “default-aid-type” is “A code from the specified vocabulary.”. So the ‘code’ attribute for this “default-aid-type” element has to come either from http://www.oecd.org/dac/stats/dacandcrscodelists.htm, from http://reference.iatistandard.org/202/codelists/EarmarkingCategory/ or from https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Grand_Bargain_final_22_May_FINAL-2.pdf.
My questions are:
- Am I right ?
- If yes, why the docs say that “the ‘code’ attribute for default-aid-type must be on the AidType codelist” ? I don’t understand this.
- Could someone give me a single proper XML example of Activity which has multiple ‘default-aid-type’ elements which would be according to the standard? I’m really surprised that this is so (over)complex and there is none in the documentation.