D-portal: Reaching over 1 million activities and CSV map download

Hi All,

d-portal has reach over 1 million activities and have added a new feature.
Now you have the ability to download csv data with coordinates which is super useful. For more details check out this blog: http://d-portal.org/news/index.html

There is also another post on the server upgrade and other updates.

Let us know how you are using the coordinates data!


Kate (or anoyne from the tech team), could you clarify what this means? “This new feature can be found on the map views of individual portals.”

I don’t understand what “individual portals” are in this context.


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In this context - ‘individual portals’ mean the individual country / publisher profiles.

For example:
On http://d-portal.org/ctrack.html?search&publisher=CA-3#view=main you scroll down to the map view and click on the ‘View all’ link.

Should probably do a screenshot and add it to the blog post - maybe reword it too?


Have reworded and added more screenshots - hope this reads better. Thanks, Yohanna.