Hi all, sharing a brief update on IATI COVID-19 communications. This is not an extensive list, but we can keep adding to this post to share with the community. Thanks to @Rohini_Simbodyal for putting this together:
Humantiarian Data Centre have published a new visualisation and called for IATI publishing https://twitter.com/humdata/status/1255148869660184577
The journalist, Ben Parker signposted IATI COVID-19 data as a way to track development flows in the New Humantiarian article: https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/news/2020/04/23/Coronavirus-emergency-aid-funding
Microsoft has promoted their use of the IATI Standard in their Non-profit software in a news post on their response to COVID-19 https://mspoweruser.com/microsoft-explains-what-they-are-doing-to-keep-azure-up-and-running-during-the-covid-19-crisis/
Development Initiatives and World Vision have published a blog on the Grand Bargain, which mentions the value of publishing and using IATI data during the pandemic https://devinit.org/blog/power-transparency-data-key-effective-crisis-response/