Announcing IATI version 2.02 upgrade consultation calls

Following popular demand and feedback to improve the upgrade process, the IATI Tech Team will soon be running public consultation calls.

We welcome members of the IATI community to join us to discuss any aspect of the upgrade process, and to join further discussions on the practical implementation of each proposal.

The calls will take place on the following dates/times:

  • Monday 12 October 2015 @ 13:00 UTC/GMT
  • Tuesday 13 October 2015 @ 08:00 UTC/GMT
  • Wednesday 14th October 2015 @ 14:00 UTC/GMT (this session will be
    geared more towards NGOs and non-technical publishers)

These sessions will take place using GoToMeeting, with access available through internet or via a choice of telephone dial-in numbers. Click here to sign-up to a session, and we will send full details of how to join and get involved.

Just a minor point, but UTC isn’t UK time at the moment… BST is UTC+1 so the call is at 1500 BST. Is that right?

Hi John, thanks for the message and good spot. You’re right that we’ve made a bit of a mess-up with the times - in fact these should have all read an hour earlier than initially posted.

I’ve now fixed this across the posts and we’re contacting the small number of participants who have already signed-up to inform them of the mistake and offer to rebook them if necessary. To confirm, the UK (BST) times are: 12/10 14:00; 13/10 09:00 and 14/10 15:00.

The calls are a great idea, but very short notice. I think an email to all TAG and SC members signaling them would have been useful - not everyone checks this site every day.

Unfortunately, the timing will not work for DFATD: Oct 12 is Thanksgiving in Canada, Oct 13 is the middle of our night, and Oct 14 is geared towards NGOs (which is fine). Will a summary of main points/issues be made available so we can consider this input for the rest of the consultation period?

Just a heads up that the dates for the second round of public consultation calls have now been published in a separate thread. There are three sessions which will take place in the week beginning Monday 2nd November.

The first round featured useful input from NGOs and donor government publishers, as well as data users. Thanks to everyone who participated for all their inputs so far.