As indicated in another post, the WP-STAT recently approved the creation of a new CRS field to report SDG targets (and goals, temporarily) as flags.
(TL;DR) Here are the central elements of the CRS field:
•Track the SDG focus of development co-operation at the target level, and allow the possibility of reporting at the goal level for a transitional period.
•Allow multiple entries in the SDG field, with a maximum number of 10 reportable targets
•Allow the SDG field information to be recorded with a qualitative flag, indicating to which SDG targets the activity is contributing.
The SDG goals and targets are already non-embedded code lists in the IATI SectorVocabulary element. However, the Sector element is used as having implicit percentages, which means it is not the right element to publish SDG targets in a way that will align with CRS data.
I think the Tag element introduced in 2.03 is where we should be publishing SDG targets (and goals, if desired). While there’s technically no reason to limit the number of targets, those reporting to the DAC will likely limit themselves to 10 in order to align their IATI and DAC data - so this could be a good rule of thumb for other publishers. Could this guidance be added to the Tag element?
I would flag, however, that the TagVocabulary codelist does not include the SDG targets and goals at the moment. This is a non-embedded codelist, so new vocabularies can be added easily, correct?
Does the above approach make sense? @Herman, @theo.sande and others that may have been involved in the WP-STAT discussions, is this how you envisaged implementation on the IATI side?
Would appreciate if the @IATI-techteam could confirm when the codelists may be available in the TagVocabulary and what is needed to make it happen.