Humanitarian Scope Vocabularies

Thanks @YohannaLoucheur and yes I am confirming the use of IDs as listed by @bill_anderson above . eg to include reference to Hurricane Matthew for Haiti publishers should include < humanitarian-scope type=”1” vocabulary=”1-2” code=”TC-2016-000106-HTI” >

How are donors getting their information into ECHO and FTS?

Is there an automatic ECHO > FTS process?

Has anyone done IATI > ECHO or IATI > FTS?

John, by ECHO I assume you mean EDRIS (European Emergency and Disaster Response Information System). ECHO publish their own activities to IATI.

EU members do not report directly to FTS but are required to key their data into EDRIS.

Data is transferred from EDRIS to FTS (OCHA Financial Tracking Service) every night.

No. We would hope that in future EDRIS will be able to import IATI data.

FTS can import IATI v2.02 data (i.e. the latest version including humanitarian improvements). I’m not sure whether it is doing so yet. @foos @ximboden could you confirm?