Hi all,
One of the difficulties we are having using IATI humanitarian data in Somalia (great that we can even have this issue though!) is that because the GLIDE sector-vocab=10 is not embedded into IATI, it is much harder to show our users what something that appears in IATI as
<sector vocabulary="10" code="7" percentage="35.00"/>
<sector vocabulary="10" code="9" percentage="35.00"/>
<sector vocabulary="10" code="11" percentage="30.00"/>
Really refers to. In order to decode this, we have to seperately maintain mirrors of the non-included codelists and most of the fragile states I work in have difficulty with this.
My preferred option would be for the GLIDE codelist to be brought inside IATI (where it could be maintained once, and benefit all) - it also seems fair that it should be given equal standing to the DAC codelist if IATI is serious about the Grand Bargain.
However, that seems a medium term aim? In the short term, it would be incredibly useful if humanitarian publishers using a non-DAC5 vocab could be encouraged to use the sector @narrative element therefore also give the human readable text. This means that if a codelist changes, our system/users are not left in the dark until we have time to update our local copies.
PS - If the the @narrative element could be mandatory for all non-included IATI code-lists this would be incredibly useful!