I have been following the development of Ghana’s new national identification system with interest. $50m has been spent on it and I was keen to find out where this came from.
A quick d-portal search (“Ghana identity”) leads me to a $97m World Bank loan for a “GH eTransform Ghana” project and its description tells me the project has four components of which the national id system is the second. The description has some details but the text is curtailed. From a link provided to a Project Appraisal Document I could get a better picture of this project.
That’s a lot of different things which leads to a complicated sector split …
$25m has been disbursed to date, but it isn’t clear which components have received funds. (Interestingly in the OECD CRS the activity is split and reported in separate rows per sector so there is more useful information on spend than in IATI.)
At this point I’m none the wiser on where the $50m Ghanaian spend has come from. The documents linked on IATI give me no clue so I go to the World Bank site where there are a load more documents and I find in the latest Implementation Status & Results Report that
In light of the Government’s decision to finance the digital ID component from its own funds, all activities related to the digital ID were cancelled.
Took me three hours to get there…
A few questions:
- Are big complex projects manageable from an accountability point of view?
- Should IATI be doing a better job structuring information about what is actually happening on the ground?
- If an IATI activity is always going to provide only a partial picture should we be bothering about trying to make the standard more comprehensive.